

Com The Sun
Tasso Franco , da redação em Salvador | 13/06/2020 às 15:21
Elizabeth II, 4 anos de idade
Foto: Instagram
A rainha Elizabeth participou de seu primeiro evento presencial público após a quarentena neste sábado (13.06) numa comemoração oficial de seu aniversário de 94 anos no Castelo de Windsor.

As the Queen made her first official public appearance since the lockdown was imposed, the royal salute was given by the troops and the national anthem was played.

For the first time in 125 years, the ceremony has taken place at Windsor Castle.

More than 1,700 troops and 400 musicians traditionally perform at London’s Horse Guards Parade in front of huge crowds.

But this year, as a result of the Covid-19 crisis, fewer than 100 Welsh Guards participated in a private parade in place of Trooping the Colour.

Top Army official Major General Christopher Ghika, whose men paid tribute to Her Majesty, said the event offered a "unique opportunity" to commemorate the head of state's milestone.

Maj Gen Ghika, who commands the Household Division and all military support for London's civil response to coronavirus, said: "The circumstances of the requirement to perform the birthday tribute at Windsor Castle this year are clouded in tragedy.

"The effects of Covid-19 have been devastating in terms of loss of life and the threatening of livelihoods of so many across the country.

"People have had to endure separation from loved ones, great uncertainty and the suspension of so much of what is special about our national life."

Servicemen from the Household Division - which includes the Welsh Guards - have been formed into a Covid Support Force, with the soldiers carrying out coronavirus tests at regional and mobile sites.

O major-general Ghika disse: "Os guardas galeses e muitos dos que estavam em desfile foram enviados recentemente ao Reino Unido como parte da resposta da nação ao vírus e, portanto, o contexto da cerimônia é particularmente comovente".

A cerimônia contou com um destacamento do 1º Batalhão, guardas galeses e uma banda reduzida da Divisão de Domicílios, participando de uma exibição no quadrilátero do castelo, criado por Andrew Stokes, sargento-sargento da Garrison.

O principal baterista da banda, Lance Corporal Chusa Siwale, foi um dos que testaram recentemente os principais trabalhadores contra o coronavírus.

LCpl Siwale, 29, da Zâmbia, disse: “É um enorme privilégio.

“Apenas quatro semanas atrás eu estava testando trabalhadores-chave como parte da contribuição para a batalha contra o vírus. Agora estou no desfile realizando diante de Sua Majestade.

Trooping the Color marca o aniversário oficial do monarca desde 1748.